
Death, where is your sting???⁣

“When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” John‬ ‭19:30‬ ‭⁣

Friend, Jesus died for YOU. ⁣
yes, YOU.⁣

& right now you may not know what that means. But here is my prayer for you:⁣

May His presence go before you, May His favor be upon you. I pray that you may have an encounter with the ONE who is for you. I pray that you may receive His grace— His GIFT of eternity, peace and joy (even in the midst of suffering)⁣

In Jesus name, amen.⁣


Recently, I had the honor of photography a fellow believer and blogger named Isa. Here is the thing… She’s only 16 ya’ll! Can you believe that?! I don’t know what is about this new generation— but its so beautiful how eager they are for Jesus.

Keep Living in Light sweet girl!

check her out here!
